Thursday, 6 February 2014

Looking back on #BYOD4L and #BYOD4Lchat

Image source: Kevin Lau

Sometimes you have to look back to see how far you have come.

Reading through the slides below captures what BYOD4Learning was about. What I was not prepared for was the impact it has had on the community of learners and facilitators. Following the course we have have seen so many tweets exchanged and blog posts reflecting on the experience. For many engaging with both Twitter and blogging was relatively new and yet what people accomplished and shared in the one week was phenomenal. 

The openness seemed to have both encouraged people to join but also gave them permission to do so as and when they could or wanted to. This it seems has been a great motivator. With busy lives both at work and at home, it is important we consider flexible options for learning that still include interactive opportunities to communicate and engage in dialogue and debate.   

BYOD4Learning: Overview of the Week 27-31 January 2013 #BYOD4L from Sue Beckingham

Sharing and Collaborating

Something else that struck me about the people that engaged with BYOD4L was the open generosity and empathy towards anyone asking questions. The facilitators who gave up their time to help make this course happen were outstanding. Seeing connections form between participants, information shared and collaborative resources made and shared. 

Tweet Archivist

In the flurry of last week I completely forgot to look at the visual data Tweet Archivist can provide over a week period. (Note: there are Pro options available at a cost to get more detailed ongoing information). For free it will track a hashtag and bring up pie charts and bar charts to visualise the top users (of the hashtag), top words and top urls (included in the tweets).

Here is a snapshot of #BYOD4L captured between 29 January and 6 February. As the course started on the 27 January and tweeting some weeks before, it can only give us a flavour of the tweets exchanged.


I repeated the search for the TweetChat where we used #BYOD4Lchat. During 27 January and 6 February 1680 tweets were recorded. Again bear in mind 2 DAYS are missing! This is where the real conversation went on. TweetChats were scheduled each evening between 8-9pm GMT. 

What I find fascinating is that in both cases the top words (aside from the hashtag) are LEARNING, THANKS and COLLABORATION. The focus of our conversations were around learning. That's not to say we didn't share links to useful apps or indeed use them to produce our creative artefacts or record reflections. What was evident was that as the week went on we learnt how to make the most of our devices to connect with each other and enjoy this new learning experience. 

If you missed the link to the Storify stories we curated, then you do take a look. Twitter was on fire each evening as we held an hour's chat around the topic of the day. Storify has enabled us to capture the essence of the dialogues which took place.  

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