Friday, 11 April 2014

Committee of University Chairs (CUC) Spring Plenary 2014 #CUCTech


The Committee of University Chairs (CUC) represents Chairs of UK University Governing Bodies and develops and promotes governance standards for higher education in the UK.

It provides an opportunity for Chairs of Governing Bodies to share advice, experience and expertise on all matters concerning university governance.

Spring 2014 Plenary

For the first time the Spring Plenary event at which CUC members gather, was live-streamed and included a Twitter Wall. Comments and questions to the panel were invited by both member delegates and the audience watching the livestream via Twitter using #CUCTech. 

Members were given the opportunity to consider the impact of technology on their institutions and their own governing bodies. 

To stimulate this debate Professor Steve Wheeler (@timbuckteeth)was invited to address CUC. on 'What technology means to students'. As expected Steve provided an engaging and stimulating presentation which included a number of video clips where his students expressed exactly how they were using technology. Examples included using Twitter, blogs, Evernote and mind-mapping tools. 

The Back Channel

Both attendees in the room and virtual contributed questions. It seemed clear that this was just the beginning of a conversation around the value of technology in learning and teaching and that the Committee of University Chairs would be continuing the conversation. The key message Steve put across was the importance of including the students in this conversation.

You can follow Steve Wheeler on Twitter as @timbuckteeth. His presentations can be found at

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