Saturday, 10 January 2015

Introducing 'Bring Your Own Devices for Learning' an open CPD course #BYOD4L

Artwork by Ellie Livermore

Introducing BYOD4L

I'm really looking forward to the third iteration of BYOD4L which is short for Bring Your Own Device for Learning

BYOD4L 3: 12-16 January 2015 

BYOD4L was created by Chrissi Nerantzi and myself in 2013 and ran for the first time in January 2014 and again in July 2014. This time we are collaborating with even more universities and have introduced the Mentor role (previous participants or facilitators). Volunteers from each university have joined our growing team and together we will help to support participants that take part in BYOD4L. I am absolutely delighted that this time we also have Whitney Kilgore on the team along with Robin Bartoletti who are facilitators of Texas Educator Chat #txeduchat in the US.


Getting involved

If you would like to get involved, then these are my key tips. Take a look at the conversations that are already taking place in Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Find your favoured spaces. Look at the information about the course that is on the website. Interact by asking questions, contributing to the discussions, share resources and enjoy the experience of learning.

Bookmark and follow: 

The BYOD4L site:
  • Register for email updates to alert you about new blog posts
  • Take a look at the drop down menu under Topics and engage in a variety of learning activities. 
Follow @BYOD4L on Twitter
  • Also search for #BYOD4L and #BYOD4Lchat and save these searches
  • Use #BYOD4L in tweets about the course and #BYOD4Lchat during the evening tweetchat (8-9PM GMT) 
  • Follow other educators using these hashtags
  • Follow the list of BYOD4L facilitators and mentors


The tweetchats take place in the evening for one hour and provide a place to bring the BYOD4L community of learners together. A tweetchat is a discussion  that is stimulated with a number of questions posted by the facilitators (in this case using @BYOD4L). They start with an 'Introduction to BYOD4L' . 

Sunday the 11th of January, 8-9pm GMT, 2pm Central

Then during the course the chats will take place at the same time Each day will focus on one of the following themes: connecting, communicating, curating, collaborating and creating. 

Monday to Friday 12-16 January, 8-9pm GMT, 2pm Central

To participate or listen in to the tweetchats, you will need to follow the hashtag #BYOD4Lchat. We hope you will join us. It is a great way to co-learn with others and an opportunity to share good practice and ideas of how you can use your own devices for learning. In the previous two iterations of BYOD4L I came away from every single chat having learned something new. 

Do consider writing a blog to capture the things you learn and your reflections. If you would like to, you can submit these blog posts to earn Open Badges. The very process of reflecting is very useful and a record to look back on. 

New to Tweetchats?

I have written a number of reflective posts about my experience as a facilitator and participant of BYOD4L and tagged these #BYOD4L. For me, being a part of what is now a growing community of learners that are sharing resources, ideas and engaging in conversations on how we can use our own devices for learning, has extended way beyond the duration of the two courses. The exchanges continue in online forums such as Twitter, Google+, Facebook and LinkedIn. I am looking forward to meeting new educators who I know will not only share new ideas but also new perspectives that will challenge the way I think and approach this topic. I hope you will consider joining us in this co-learning opportunity. 

I'd love to hear from you if you do. Also if you have any questions then please post them in the comments.

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