Saturday 6 June 2015

My Keynote at SOLSTICE eLearning Conference #solstice2015

The conference was a two-day event at Edge Hill University on Technology Enhanced Learning focusing on the enhancement of student learning through evidence informed practices. It took place 4-5 June 2015.

On day one Professor Keith Smyth gave a keynote on:
'Reconceptualising ‘curriculum’ for digital engagement in Higher Education'

On day two I gave a keynote on:
'Digital Connectedness'

You can follow SOLSTICE on Twitter at


SOLSTICE is Edge Hill University’s HEFCE funded Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL).

Whilst the HEFCE funding for the 74 CETLs has ceased and many have effectively closed, in contrast Edge Hill University has retained the SOLSTICE brand as a signifier of its focus and processes for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL).  This has been achieved by:

  • Embedding TEL and SOLSTICE activities in the University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy
  • Positioning leadership of TEL with the Associate Deans Learning and Teaching within the Learning and Teaching Strategy Group chaired by the Dean of Teaching and Learning Development in collaboration with the Dean of Learning Services
  • Maintaining a Senior SOLSTICE Fellow in an expert advisory capacity in each Faculty with responsibility for supporting strategic development of TEL
  • Continuing the SOLSTICE TEL Fellowship Scheme, with Fellows acting as champions, advisors and members of the Validation and Audit Standing Panel
  • Sustaining provision of TEL professional development activities through the collaborative activities of the Learning Services Learning Technology Development Team, Fellows, Visiting Professors and other external experts
  • Continuing to support and organise the annual conference
  • Securing an administration base for conference and professional development activities and income generation related to SOLSTICE activities
  • Progressing affiliation with the Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) and its research and development work through practice-based research and development of seminars and conferences
  • Having SOLSTICE and hence TEL represented through designated membership of key university committees
  • Maintaining the SOLSTICE brand
A key part of the legacy of the CETL at Edge Hill University is the residual knowledge and skills base of staff and a sound reputation for excellent work in the sector.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know. I appreciate the work keynote speakers do. A keynote speaker is a popular personality who is hired to explain or rather to weave in the theme of the meeting in to the audience’s mind in a fun yet effective way. You could call them the masters of emotional manipulation given that their strategy involves juggling with emotions of sorts.A keynote speaker will deliver a heart wrenching speech if need be just to drive the point home and enable the audience to get the theme of the meeting from a whole new perspective, the theme won’t be just a group of words that don’t make sense anymore but more like an experience that audience has gone through at one point in their lives.
