Thursday, 31 August 2017

The day I was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship #NTFS2017 #NTFS17

31st August was the day many of us have been waiting for. The day the 55 successful National Teaching Fellows would be announced. I'm delighted to say that I was one of them.

I have had so many wonderful messages of congratulations on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Too many to share them all here, but you know who you are and I want you to know how grateful I am. I've shared a few further down and explain why. 

The press release from my university 'Hallam academics recognised for teaching excellence' includes my inspirational colleagues Dr David Smith and Dr Kim Bower. There are 53 others recognised and the full list can be found on the Higher Education Academy website. 

David Smith, along with our colleagues David Eddy and Julie Gillin and myself (the four musketeers) have inspired each other over the years and our mutual encouragement has seen us take innovative approaches to teaching and learning. I thank you for all of our shared experiences. 

I'd like to thank my mentors Stella Jones-Devitt, Juliette Hinrichsen, Mike Bramhall and Richard Hill who over the years have helped me to realise my own potential and to believe that I can achieve things once thought out of my reach. Also Prof Peter Hartley with whom I share a deep interest in research on interpersonal communication. He constantly helps me to expand my thinking and challenges my ideas and new approaches. Huge thanks also must go to Professor Sally Brown and Professor Phil Race who not only believed in me but helped me believe in myself. 

A small selection of the valued tweets I received:

Professor Sally Brown

I'll be honest I had to look 'doyenne' up. Having the respect of Sally Brown means the world. I have learned so much from her over the years and know I will continue to do so. 
Eric Stoller
Eric has been such an inspiring friend over the years. We connected back in 2010 when he was living in the US. I'd come across his blog and through Twitter continue to learn from him. He knows more about social media than most of us put together. His posts encouraged me to implement innovative approaches in my teaching and staff development activities. I finally got to meet him in 2016 when he was keynote for our Social Media for Learning Conference at Sheffield Hallam University. If you are looking for a keynote speaker this is your man!

Chrissi Nerantzi

Chrissi and I clicked instantly and we have shared multiple projects, each contributing different perspectives. I have learned so much working with her.  

And now I have to wait until November 1st to officially receive my award in London and have the opportunity to meet the other 54 recipients. 

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