Saturday, 25 October 2014

#LTHEchat: A new approach to CPD for learning and teaching in higher education

I am very excited to ne leading a new collaborative project alongside Chrissi Nernatzi, David Walker and Peter Reed called #LTHEchat which is short for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Chat.

We are each from different higher education institutions: Sheffield Hallam University, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Sussex and the University of Liverpool; but have worked together on a variety of other projects including Bring Your Own Devices for Learning.

The chats will take place in Twitter using the hashtag #LTHEchat and will run each week on Wednesday between 8-9pm GMT.

Each will tweetchat will have a specific focus and it will be up to the community to decide what comes next. We will be inviting guest chat facilitators too and hope that you will join us for some speed CPD linked to learning and teaching. Students are also very welcome.

The slideshow below is an introduction to tweetchats. To find out more you can also visit and follow @LTHEchat on Twitter

Introducing tweetchats using #LTHEchat as an exemplar from Sue Beckingham

Date for your diary

The first tweetchat is on Wednesday 29th October and will be led by myself and Chriss Nernatzi. 

Our topic is: New ways to engage in bite-size professional development. This will provide us with an opportunity to reflect on where we are at the moment, individually and collectively and explore together fresh ideas to engage in new and exciting development activities that can be combined with workload and life and help us further develop our teaching practice.

Hope you can join us :-)